Xavier Bosch Casanovas was born on 5 November, 1960 in Terrassa, near Barcelona. Fond of reading from a young age, in his teens he discovered fantasy and science fiction novels and, has been an avid fan ever since.
Xavier has two degrees in engineering and, after a few years spent working in the private sector, he is currently Head of Engineering for the local authority in a major industrial municipality in Catalonia.
He and his wife Sílvia had a son whom they loved dearly. David suffered from acute lymphoblastic leukaemia from the age of two, and, folowing a hard struggle of almost four years, he passed away. During these precious years, Xavier told his son countless stories to entertain him, and these had two things in common: the protagonist was a boy named David, and the others characters were either real animals, or legendary creatures, such as dragons.
Years after the death of his son, Xavier Bosch decided to write a novel similar to these tales he told, in memory of David. This is the origin of Engisara.